If you value a good nights sleep when you're out in the hills (or local park) braving the elements and wino's while you connect with nature, then you might like to consider a hammock. I'm not going to pretend that swinging from the trees is for everyone but neither is a bivvy bag ... you pays your money, etc, etc. One thing I do know is that I've had some of my best nights in a hammock, so perhaps you would too.
The hammock in the pictures is a DD Travel Hammock, they cost under £50 and come with everything you need to get going. As you can see, there's a full midge net to keep the teeth with wings at bay, each side has a full length zip so you can access the hammock from either side then zip yourself in, nice and snug. The base of the hammock is a 2 layer affair, this means that you can slip a sleeping mat beneath you (you will need to do this in all but the warmest weather) to insulate you from cold air underneath. The 2 layer design also allows you to climb in between the layers for weather protection if things got really bad and / or use the whole thing as a ground shelter if you find yourself with no trees.

You can do your own caterpillar impressions
Setting the hammock up is about as quick as it gets. Tie each end to a tree then get in ... it really is that simple, however you may want to practice your knot work and experiment with setting the hammock at different angles before you get too carried away ... oddly having your feet higher than your head tends to work best.
Look comfy?
As with everything in life, there's always going to be drawbacks and compromise and using a hammock is no exception ... here's the negatives.
• Weight ... this weighs 1250g (lighter hammocks are available).
• Pack size ... could be an issue depending what you're used to.
• Obviously you need trees or something else to swing from.
And the good bits.
• Comfort ... hammocks are very comfy.
• No spiders crawling into your mouth at night!
• No need for a flat / smooth camping spot.
• It's actually fun ... don't underestimate this one.
I'm sure there's loads of other pros and cons but these are things that spring to (my) mind. I'm not a hammock evangelist by any means, I've only taken a hammock on 2 trips so far this year the rest of the time I've been in a bivvy bag spitting out spiders all night long but sometimes there really is nothing better than swinging about in the trees.
Been toying with the idea of a hammock myself. Had my eye on one of the Hennessey hammocks, but never used one. Anyone tried one? Like the idea of being a swinger. ; )
ReplyDeleteI've seen the Hennessey hammocks in use and they are very nice. I believe they've now changed the design so you climb in through the side (like a DD) rather than up through the bottom.
ReplyDeleteCheers, think ive made my mind up if i can get a zip entry as that will add lounging versetality.
ReplyDeleteI have a Hennessy Hammock and the bottom entry really shouldnt and isnt an issue, unless you tend to need to get up in the night to pee (still not a major issue) or get claustrophobic.
ReplyDeleteThe issue i do have with my Hennessy is the single layer bottom means you have to keep the sleeping mat inside with you and inevitably you wake in the night with a cold butt as youve rolled off it, and getting it back in the right place is a proper faff! Ive picked up an outer blanket im going to trial to see if it works any better. Still, i do enjoy using it.