There's quite alot of talk about how best to carry your gear on an overnight or multiday trip. Things are quite different when you're riding off road so panniers don't always seem the best solution. A frame bag, bar harness or seat post mounted carrying system would seem to be the hot ticket at the moment. Both Epic Designs and Carousel Design Works turn out some really nice stuff, much of it custom designed. Both companies are in the US though and the current state of the pound doesn't make them cheap.
So, we've decided to hold a contest for the best homemade gear carrying system used for the Welsh Ride Thing ... we'll even have a prize for the winner. You don't need to make one of everything, one item will do fine. It must be your own work, no bribing the local knicker factory to knock you something up because that would be cheating.
There's plenty of inspiration on the internet, I'll give you these to get you started.
•www.epicdesignsalaska.com - Possibly the most famous and widely used rackless systems.
•www.carouseldesignworks.com - There's some of their stuff in Singletrack issue 55.
•www.bikepacking.net - Search the forums to see stuff people have made.
•www.pointnorth.co.uk - UK company who can supply all the materials you'll need
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